Welcome to the all new Pantheon101.com!
Much like the game this site is very much in a pre-pre-pre-alpha stage, so expect lots of bugs, broken features, missing pages and so on as development continues.
The goal is to provide a database/utility site for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen that is both useful for players but also respects the spirit of the game.
Current features are;
- User accounts (Needed to comment, no profiles yet)
- Item, Spell, Quest, Zone and NPC database. (All subject to change as more game information is made public)
- Search (Powered by Algolia)
- News (You're reading it!)
- Tooltip.js - Very early development
On the To-Do;
- User profiles
- Advanced search of Items/Spells/etc/etc
- Add Factions to the tabs up top.
- Add Crafting to the tabs up top (Postponed until we get any kind of public information on what structure this may take)
- Add Twitch.tv checker.
- FAQ/Devblog for the site.
- Fix some of this funky news post formatting.
Permanent To-Do;
- General site stability, security, performance, platform support etc.
Not on the To-Do;
- Forum - With the game still very early in development I encourage everyone to focus their attention on the official forums.
Any issues/questions/comments/etc can be asked in the comments or email me :: orsenfelt@gmail.com